
Home / Alumni
Placement assistance
Industry Institute interaction
To arrange guest lecturers of renowned persons from industries.
Assistance in Personality development Programs.
Assistance to final year students in their Project worn.
Assistance in arranging industrial Visits.

You will be glad to know that your college is progressing day-by-day . Government of Maharashtra has graded as grade 'A' Institution. Futher we are in the process of getting our college accreditated by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE new Delhi. NBA committee require details about pass-out students with reference to their involvement/Participation in various activities from your employer showing that how you are performing in your organization. Kindly send these information to the college by post and also fill up the following information for our records and for contecting you in future.

We welcome your views/ comments/suggestions.

Feedback is sought from Passed Students(Alumni)/Parents/Industry associated with our college with the objective to have useful inputs from these stakeholders. In order to improve the quality of courses to upgrade the curriculum and to enhance the quality of program as a whole. Your sincere response in the specified feedback format would be of great importance. In this context, an appeal is being made herewith to all the stakeholders to provide the necessary information in the feedback form and co-operate in order to further enhance the quality of outcome based Engineering education. It is believed that your inputs in response to feedback format will go long way to improve the quality of graduates of this college.

Kindly submit latest details in form below and do not make multiple submissions.

Feedback Form - Alumni/Parents/Industry

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